Réseau de recherche en sécurité routière

Le Réseau de recherche en sécurité routière (RRSR) du Québec rassemble les chercheurs universitaires dans le domaine et les principaux partenaires publics et privés concernés. Il joue le rôle d’accès à l’expertise en recherche en sécurité routière au Québec et de courtage des besoins des partenaires et des utilisateur(-trice)s.

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Love For All, Hatred For None

When people learn that I’m a writer, more than half of them will immediately tell me about how they have an idea for a book, or that they need an editor for their autobiography, or that, though it sounds crazy, they are certain they have this one idea that would be a mega bestseller. Like, one of the biggest books in the world. I have not known one of them…

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Hate Comes From Intimidation, Love Comes From Appreciation

When people learn that I’m a writer, more than half of them will immediately tell me about how they have an idea for a book, or that they need an editor for their autobiography, or that, though it sounds crazy, they are certain they have this one idea that would be a mega bestseller. Like, one of the biggest books in the world. I have not known one of them…

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If You Tell The Truth You Don’t Have To Remember Anything

When people learn that I’m a writer, more than half of them will immediately tell me about how they have an idea for a book, or that they need an editor for their autobiography, or that, though it sounds crazy, they are certain they have this one idea that would be a mega bestseller. Like, one of the biggest books in the world. I have not known one of them…

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