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Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla facilisis faucibus metus nec varius. Proin eu nibh fringilla, euismod diam ac, dignissim ante. Maecenas tristique porta nulla, ut vestibulum nibh sagittis eget.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Aménagement et planification urbaine
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Bilan routier
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Aménagement et planification urbaine
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Bilan routier
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Aménagement et planification urbaine
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Bilan routier
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Aménagement et planification urbaine
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Bilan routier
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
Savoie C, Lavallière M, Voyer P, Bouchard S. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(4), e12452.
Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
Rizzo D, Baltzan M, Grad R et Postuma R (2023). Risk of OSA affects reaction
time and driving performance more than insomnia in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging. ScienceDirect -
Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, … et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, … Gélinas I, … et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, … et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, … Gélinas I, … et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
Ducharme C, O’Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d’Apprentissage à l’utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, … et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers’ self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.