José Ignacio Nazif-Muñoz
Professeur adjoint
Nazif-Muñoz JI, Batomen B et Nandi A (2022). Does ridesharing affect road safety? The introduction of Moto-Uber and other factors in the Dominican Republic. Research in Globalization, 4, 100077.
Nazif-Muñoz JI, Quesnel-Vallée A et van den Berg A (2021). Global diffusion of three road safety policies, 1964-2015. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(272).
Nazif-Muñoz JI, Martínez P*, Williams A et Spengler J (2021). The risks of warm nights and wet days in the context of climate change: Assessing road safety outcomes in Boston, USA and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Injury Epidemiology, 8(47).
Nazif-Munoz JI, Domínguez-Cancino KA*, Ouimet MC, et Brown TG (2023). Did the cannabis recreational use law affect traffic crash outcomes in Toronto? Building evidence for the adequate number of authorised cannabis stores’ thresholds. Drug and Alcohol Review.
Nazif-Muñoz JI, Anakök GA, Joseph J*, Uprajhiya SK* et Ouimet MC (2022). A new alcohol-related traffic law, a further reduction in traffic fatalities? Analyzing the case of Turkey. Journal of Safety Research.